The Biomedical Research Center of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine
(BRC) operates under the model of a shared technical workshop, serving as a
basis for coordinating and implementing practical research projects. In
addition to high-quality human resources (Including 37 members, many of which
are leading experts in their fields, 4 Associate Professors, 4 Doctors of
Philosophy, 2 Specialist Degree II Medical Doctors, 5 Masters of Science, and a
number of exemplary Medical doctors), BRC is also equipped with the most modern
and leading science equipments in the country, to serve medical professional
training, scientific research, and other health services. Among many
cutting-edge technologies available, there are a few examples: API 3200™ LC/MS/MS system (A Quadruple Mass
Spectrometer hybrid triple quadrupole/linear ion trap that can provide
excellent sensitivity, dynamic range, and reliability across a range of
identification and quantitation applications), QuantStudio 12K FLEX Realtime PCR System (High-throughput with minimal
consumables), the Flow cytometer
analyzer (MoFlo Astrios EQS- Beckman Coulter - USA), the Cell counting and analysis (Vi-CELL-XR- Beckman Coulter - USA),
the Dynamic Automated microbiological
culture system and the prominent Surescan
Microarray System, …
Regarding the rights to conduct Confirmation Tests for SARS-CoV-2 Virus,
after investing time and effort to prepare optimal facilities, personnel, and
technical procedures, The Diagnosis Laboratory of The Biomedical Research Center
Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine was finally approved. The received
approval was from Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health on May 17th,
2021 (Certificate of Operation 08639/HCM-GPHĐ);
and the Diagnosis Laboratory was appraised and granted a certificate of testing
capacity for Confirmation Testing of Virus SARS-CoV-2 by the Pasteur Institute
of Ho Chi Minh City on June 14th, 2021 (Decision no. 364/QĐ-PAS)
June 26th, 2021, Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine was
officially named in the list of 156 organizations whom the Ministry of Health
of Vietnam authorizes to conduct Confirmed COVID-19 Testing (Reference link:
the capacity assigned by the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health for 600
samples per day, the Diagnosis Laboratory has organized to deploy SARS-CoV-2
testing to join hands to share responsibilities and to support the city in the
fight against COVID-19 (with sample allocation from HCDC). In addition, the
Diagnosis Laboratory can also perform pre-ordered SARS-CoV-2 tests according to
the needs of individuals, and organizations.
Diagnosis Laboratory operates directly under the management of Mrs. Nguyen Minh
Ha (PhD, MD), Head of Service Unit cum Head of Department of Biochemistry -
Medical Molecular Biology; and professionally in charge by Mr. Vo Van Tinh
(MSc.), Lecturer at the Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine.
In summary, with modern equipment, high-quality
personnel, standardized testing procedures, individuals and organizations can
be confident in the SARS-CoV-2 testing service provided by The Diagnosis
Laboratory of Biomedical Research Center of Pham Ngoc Thach University of
Medicine. With the core value of BRC "Professional - Quality -
Creative", in the coming time, we will always try to bring our customers
the most satisfying experience, optimal service quality, and highly accurate
test results./.
Source: Biomedical
Research Center of PNTUM.